Only a small portion of global humanitarian funding is reaching grassroots organizations working with children and youth. By contrast, Global Fund for Children has provided more than $3 million to 70+ grassroots partners that are helping children and families under attack and refugees fleeing the country. As the war drags on, our partners still need resources to care for young people.

Houses, apartment buildings, schools, and playgrounds where kids used to find shelter and play have been destroyed. That trauma and uncertainty will have long-lasting impacts on young people, and GFC’s grassroots partners are well positioned to offer counseling services, education support, and humanitarian aid to families. Your gift today will provide critical support for Ukrainian children and youth now and after the war ends.

Any amount you give will make a difference for grassroots organizations responding to the crisis in Ukraine. Donate now to help our partners protect children and youth in Ukraine.

Global Fund for Children is a 501(c)(3) organization;

all gifts are tax deductible.

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